Friday, January 3, 2020

Erik Erikson s Identity Development Essay - 1297 Words

Todd Anderson from DPS develops his identity in a very similar way as Erik Erikson’s identity development theory. Erik Erikson mentioned that identity formation is the most important developmental task during adolescence (Chen Wu, 2005). He identified eight psychosocial stages. His identity vs. role confusion stage of development for 12 to 20 years old indicates: Adolescent must move toward adulthood by making choices about values, vocational goals, etc. (Broderick Blewitt, 2015). There are four identity status: diffusion, moratorium, foreclosure and achievement which are Erikson’s conceptualization of identity development as a task involving exploration of carious possible positions in the world (Broderick Blewitt, 2015)In the film, Todd Anderson goes through all three of the four states which are diffusion, moratorium, and achievement as he develops his identity. Diffusion is the state that represents young adolescents as they deal with the identity development process (Broderick Blewitt, 2015). Adolescents in this state lack both exploration and commitment; they are not looking for any possible life choices (Broderick Blewitt, 2015). At the beginning of the film, Todd was in the diffusion state. He attends the first assembly meeting with parents but he shows no passion about anything that is mentioned during the meeting. He is very shy, and he is not able to hold a conversation with other people without feeling secured. He refuses Neil’s invitation to be partShow MoreRelatedAdolescent Identity Formation By Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Theory Of Identity Development2352 Words   |  10 PagesCarter, Lauren Professor Christan Amundsen Psych 2314 12, April 2015 Adolescent Identity Formation Adolescence is defined as the developmental stage between childhood and adulthood typically beginning at age twelve and ending at age twenty. 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