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Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange Market Example For Free - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1047 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Did you like this example? Abu Dhabi Securities Market was established in 2000, the market has a legal personality and financial autonomy and administrative and supervisory and executive powers necessary for the exercise of his functions. Market aims to provide an opportunity to invest savings and funds in securities in the interest of the national economy and ensure the safety and accuracy of transactions and ensures interaction of the forces of supply and demand to determine prices and to protect investors and strengthen the foundations for proper handling and equitable and tighten controls on trading in securities to ensure the safety actions and procedures, and develop Awareness of the investment to ensure that savings are channeled to productive sectors, contributing to the achievement of financial and economic stability. Economic functions  of the  Stock Exchange Stock exchange has a great impact on the economic level in the country. In thi s section we will mention some of the function of the stock exchange. Development saving: stock exchange encouraging the investment in the field of securities and savings are channeled to serve the national economy which is reflected most clearly in a state of small savers who do not have the little tags which cannot create separate projects and then prefer to buy securities a b t a financial measure of financial energy which helps to serve the purposes of economic development Assistance in funding: investment in stock exchange helps to transfer of funds from lenders to borrowers. The lenders are reducing the rate of consumer spending in the current time and saving part of it is willing to get higher incomes in the future when the time comes-term recovery of these loans. Contribute to the financing of development plans: in most time, the government may not have enough money to spend on the project, so the government will go to inform their stock to the public. Directing resources to areas most profitable: the bid and ask trading seeking to achieve high efficiency in directing resources to the citizens to industrial and commercial. To reach this level of efficiency, it should availability this objective: the prices efficiency, the quality of trade, equity markets, and security. Achieve equilibrator prices for securities: If the stock market based on a firm foundation and strong will determine the prices of securities traded in a realistic manner and on the basis of sufficient knowledge and a high degree of justice. The possibility of assessing companies and investment projects efficiently: by contribute to raising the awareness of investors and the horrible reality of companies and projects Provide transparency: The stock exchange requires companies whose securities are listed on the disclosure of all their data to investors, including in turn creates a state of transparency reflects the economic reality of the country and encourage more ca pital to invest in the country. Types of exchanges Since the stock market is a meeting place for sellers who are buyers who have the supply side demand side there are many types of exchanges, including: Employment exchange: The place where workers meet together and hold meetings to organize themselves and view the proposals for various services that could be offered by work Stock Exchange. Products exchange: It also called the trade exchange which a place Where they are sold the material and basic products such as cotton and sugar which are dealing in this market on basis of samples displayed different products , where products has sold several times and determined by the domestic and international prices. Stock value exchange: Transfer of ownership of these shares and bonds from hand to hand; it is the most famous type of stock exchange. These stocks and bonds are dealing through brokers and intermediaries. Currency exchange: Is one of the markets dealing in forei gn exchange and are located in all parts of the world, particularly in major centers such as New York and London, Paris and Tokyo, linked to these markets to each other through computer networks and telephone, fax and telex and other means of communication. Modus operandi  in the  stock market Stocks markets are generally operate on the basis of Bid and ask. There are no direct contacts between investors, the relationship between investors done by intermediaries or brokers. In this case each investor will have contract with the brokers, he will decide to buy or sell depended on the market price or the investor will determined the prices for broker, and the prices will affect by the numbers of ask and bid. The person concerned in the implementation of the brokerage company registration command, whether for sale or for purchase on the stock exchange and trading system as soon as verification of client balances of securities in the case of a sale of its assets or cash in case of purchase. Circulation  on the same day To buy and sell Securities at the same day to increase the profit in short time, which led to increase in the value and Volume of the trade. Also it protects the investor from the changing in the prices in the long time, but it has a risk for new investors who dont have enough experience in expecting of prices changes. Are dealing with  the Stock Exchange Investors will deal with two types of people when they are dealing with the stock exchange. Direct people: the investor will deal with the broker and financial advisor, the broker who is responsible for transaction of buying or selling the stock and financial advisor which could be a person or a company which specialize in financial advisor. In direct people: it mean that the investor who will buy the stock cant know from who will buy the stock ,also the investor who want to sell the stock ,he will not know to whom the stock will go. A l ist of the best traded stocks and bonds in the UAE ALDAR Properties DANADana Gas Sorouh Real Estate Company Etisalat METHAQMethaq Takaful Insurance Co WAHAWaha Capital RAKCCRas Al Khaimah Cement Company RAKPROPRAK Properties FGBFirst Gulf Bank GCICGreen Crescent Insurance Company ADIBAbu Dhabi Islamic Bank NBADNational Bank of Abu Dhabi REFRENCE Unknown Author.(n.d) Retrieved January r3,2011,from ) Hasan Hamdi, (2006) your way for stock and investment. frist editions. Damascus and Cairo, Arabic Book house. 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