Thursday, May 14, 2020

A P By John Updike - 1160 Words

Wearing only bathing suits, three girls walk into a store, causing chaos and forever altering one young man’s life. While the customers of the store scorn the girls’ immodesty, a cashier, Sammy, becomes greatly affected by them, intensifying his longing for change. He admires the girls for their open rebellion against the society. The store manager confronts these girls, telling them to have covered shoulders upon their next entrance at the store. As Sammy observes the scene, he quits his job as a sign of being a part of â€Å"the rebellion† and in hopes of being a hero in the girls’ eyes. Reality sinks into Sammy when he misses the girls’ exit and regret fills him. What he thinks is noble and just becomes a changed,†¦show more content†¦The society at that time sought consumerism, for it was important to them. As Sammy notices a person purchasing four cans of pineapple juice, he asks himself, â€Å"(what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice? I’ve often asked myself)† (Updike 361). Sammy does not see the importance of consumerism and values what the traditional society dislikes. In displaying his longing for change, Sammy even goes as far as to make fun of the society when he jokes to himself, â€Å"I bet you could set off dynamite in an A P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists...† (Updike 360). Consumerism was a hungry, jealous love that controlled the traditional people of that time. The store symbolized consumerism, which was a jewel in society’s mind of this time. The reference to sheep is a symbol of conformity, yet another picture of the desire for change. While Sammy observes the people in the store, he thinks to himself, â€Å"The sheep pushing their carts down the aisle- the girls were walking against the usual traffic...† (Updike 360). As the story progresses, Sammy keeps on referring to the shoppers as â€Å"sheep†. The â€Å"sheep† are the conformed people who do not like change. In Sammy’s mind, these conformed people follow the traditional crowd, living the same way they have always lived. The society had been living with these chains of conformity for so long that change was foreign to its ears. Sheep likeShow MoreRelatedA P By John Updike982 Words   |  4 PagesThe story that this research paper is being written over is â€Å"AP† by John Updike. This story is filled with good grammar and has a well written plot and good transition. A person reading the story â€Å"AP† could see it as an interesting story filled with good symbolism. The main character, Sammy, uses a great deal of symbolism when describing the three girls in bathing suits who walked into the store he works in. the three girls in bathing suits that walked into the store where the center of the wholeRead MoreA P By John Updike1190 Words   |  5 PagesA P is a story of Sammy who is a 19 year old boy working as a clerk at a grocery store in a small town in New England. Published back in 1961 narrative defining A P is the popular mythology of 1960s basically where youthful rebellion powers took over the soulless system. (Sustana) Therefore Updike has written a story that includes key elements of myth along with the background of postwar prosperity and the attendant consumer culture. Where there is a strong hint of the Cold War as hero characterRead MoreA P By John Updike1704 Words   |  7 PagesIn the story AP by John Updike a young cashier by the name of Sammy learns about the power of desire and the mystery of others minds when working at an AP supermarket in a small town north of Boston in the 1960’s, where there was a lot of social norms and many people didn’t step out of them. The young nineteen-year-old Sammy wasn’t expecting his Thursday shift at AP to go the way it did when income three young girls but, these are not your socially normal teenagers who come walking in the doorRead MoreA P, By John Updike1019 Words   |  5 Pagespsychoanalytical lens can be used to analyze AP, a short story by John Updike, lone, a piece of art by John William Godward, and â€Å"To My Best Friend - Short Film†. Throu gh this lens, readers can draw the theme that all humans have basic instincts and urges that lie in the unconscious mind. Throughout Updike’s AP, it stands clear that we are always being influenced by fundamental human desires. AP is told from the perspective of Sammy, a teenage cashier at AP. In the beginning of the story, three teenageRead MoreA P By John Updike843 Words   |  4 Pageshelp establish the uniqueness of his or her use of speech through the story’s title, structure, punctuation, setting and the communication between characters. In the story A P by John Updike, the author sets the story in a very ordinary place where everyday people go shopping for their groceries, in a market known as A P. Updike’s style within the story shows many aspects of ordinary life. For example, in the first sentence of the story, the narrator Sammy uses incorrectly the word walks, â€Å"InRead MoreA P By John Updike1441 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Updike is considered one of the greatest writers in modern American history. He is known for the idea that seemingly ordinary aspects of American life are actually quite fascinating. He wanted readers to see the beauty and magic of life, so he tried to describe everyday things using the most clear but beautiful language possible. Many of Updike’s pieces are drawn from his own life such as his marriage and his boyhood, as shown in three of his short stories: â€Å"AP†, â€Å"Ace in the Hole†, and â€Å"PigeonRead MoreA P By John Updike765 Words   |   4 PagesJohn Updike wrote, â€Å"A P† in 1961. In this era of the 1950s and early 1960s, conservative dress mirrored conservative social values. Conformity was the measure of popularity as well as a measure of moral rightness. During this time, people were more afraid of being labeled outsiders than they were afraid of the outsiders themselves (â€Å"A P†). Gender issues and the emergence of feminist consciousness are represented when Lengel states the rules that proclaim the girls are decently dressed-codingRead MoreAP by John Updike512 Words   |  2 Pages â€Å"AP† by John Updike is a story about a boy who learns that all actions have consequences. In â€Å"AP† three girls walk in to the store AP in nothing but their bathing suits. Sammy one of the stores cashiers describes what the girls are wearing and what they do throughout the story. The girls walk up and down the aisles catching the attention of many of the other customers. The girls then get in line at Sammy’s checkout, the manager Lengel walks up and tells the girls they will have to leave thisRead MoreA P By John Updike1033 Words   |  5 Pageshow we face these decisions will have an impact in our lives, and sometimes the ones that seem to be small are the most important ones. John Updike understood how making decision affects people’s life, and he develops it in his short story â€Å"A P,† which is the story of an unhappy boy who quits his job for a pretty girl. In order to develop this theme, John Updike takes Sammy, the main charac ter of the story, through three different stages. In the beginning stage, Sammy is just a boy who is not happyRead MoreA P By John Updike914 Words   |  4 Pages Living in California we see women in swimsuits quite often, maybe too often. Still we have those people that find the need to objectify women, even the ones they have seen many times. Although that is what Sammy does in John Updike’s â€Å"AP†. The way â€Å"AP† depicts the young girls is objectifying: from how the main character describes the young women, how he disrespects the older lady he was checking out, the manager kicking the girls out of the store because of what they are wearing, and how the girls

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