Sunday, May 24, 2020

Roman Catholic Essay - 652 Words

E it Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC). School Based Assessment (SBA) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Roman Catholic: Worship Name of Candidate: Andrew Jevaughn Jerome Tibby School: St. Georges College Centre #: Candidate #: Teacher’s name: Ms. McKay Year of Exam: 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would like to thank God firstly for giving him the strength to complete this project. A big share of gratitude is given to my teacher for helping me to choose such a comfortable topic. The researcher’s parents is also to be thanked for their motivation and strong support. INTRODUCTION The Roman Catholic denomination falls under the religion of Christianity. Roman Catholics find the use of blessing very important, because they†¦show more content†¦Pope John Paul II added a new set of mysteries, the luminous mysteries, which mark some of the important teachings of Jesus life. Some Catholics carry rosaries with them everywhere, in pockets, purses, or wallets. Medals are small discs, usually made of metal, that depict images of Jesus, Mary, or a saint; they are commonly worn as necklaces but show up in other formats as well. Theologically their purpose is to remind the believer to be open to Gods grace, but Catholics have traditionally believed them to carry certain power. For instance, a Saint Christopher medal in cars is supposed to protect passengers, while a necklace containing the Miraculous medal of Mary is said to protect its wearer. There are an enormous number of different medals, each thought to provide a particular protection. According to Church teaching, the most important sacramental is the use of blessings. Blessings are a form of prayer asking God to grant grace to the person, place, or thing being blessed. Catholics often say blessings before consuming meals, thanking God for the gift of the food they are about to eat. Catholic parents have traditionally laid their hands on their childrens heads as a form of blessing, asking for their protection and guidance. Some blessings require the servicesShow MoreRelatedThe Development of the Roman Catholic Church Essay1385 Words   |  6 PagesTo speak of the development of the Roman Catholic Church, is as if to retell the entire story of creation, all the way from Genesis to present day, and even into the future; because â€Å"Ecclesia semper reformanda est† or â€Å"the Church is always reforming itself† and, â€Å"Every valley must be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low.† Therefore, it is best to look at a certain p oint in the life of this particular religion, which, since â€Å"the Church is always reforming itself†, is not yet completeRead MoreRoman Catholic Churchs Teachings on Abortion and Euthanasia Essay1745 Words   |  7 PagesRoman Catholic Churchs Teachings on Abortion and Euthanasia The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Human life is sacred. Explain how this teaching influences its attitude to abortion and euthanasia, showing that you understand other points of view. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

A P By John Updike - 1160 Words

Wearing only bathing suits, three girls walk into a store, causing chaos and forever altering one young man’s life. While the customers of the store scorn the girls’ immodesty, a cashier, Sammy, becomes greatly affected by them, intensifying his longing for change. He admires the girls for their open rebellion against the society. The store manager confronts these girls, telling them to have covered shoulders upon their next entrance at the store. As Sammy observes the scene, he quits his job as a sign of being a part of â€Å"the rebellion† and in hopes of being a hero in the girls’ eyes. Reality sinks into Sammy when he misses the girls’ exit and regret fills him. What he thinks is noble and just becomes a changed,†¦show more content†¦The society at that time sought consumerism, for it was important to them. As Sammy notices a person purchasing four cans of pineapple juice, he asks himself, â€Å"(what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice? I’ve often asked myself)† (Updike 361). Sammy does not see the importance of consumerism and values what the traditional society dislikes. In displaying his longing for change, Sammy even goes as far as to make fun of the society when he jokes to himself, â€Å"I bet you could set off dynamite in an A P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists...† (Updike 360). Consumerism was a hungry, jealous love that controlled the traditional people of that time. The store symbolized consumerism, which was a jewel in society’s mind of this time. The reference to sheep is a symbol of conformity, yet another picture of the desire for change. While Sammy observes the people in the store, he thinks to himself, â€Å"The sheep pushing their carts down the aisle- the girls were walking against the usual traffic...† (Updike 360). As the story progresses, Sammy keeps on referring to the shoppers as â€Å"sheep†. The â€Å"sheep† are the conformed people who do not like change. In Sammy’s mind, these conformed people follow the traditional crowd, living the same way they have always lived. The society had been living with these chains of conformity for so long that change was foreign to its ears. Sheep likeShow MoreRelatedA P By John Updike982 Words   |  4 PagesThe story that this research paper is being written over is â€Å"AP† by John Updike. This story is filled with good grammar and has a well written plot and good transition. A person reading the story â€Å"AP† could see it as an interesting story filled with good symbolism. The main character, Sammy, uses a great deal of symbolism when describing the three girls in bathing suits who walked into the store he works in. the three girls in bathing suits that walked into the store where the center of the wholeRead MoreA P By John Updike1190 Words   |  5 PagesA P is a story of Sammy who is a 19 year old boy working as a clerk at a grocery store in a small town in New England. Published back in 1961 narrative defining A P is the popular mythology of 1960s basically where youthful rebellion powers took over the soulless system. (Sustana) Therefore Updike has written a story that includes key elements of myth along with the background of postwar prosperity and the attendant consumer culture. Where there is a strong hint of the Cold War as hero characterRead MoreA P By John Updike1704 Words   |  7 PagesIn the story AP by John Updike a young cashier by the name of Sammy learns about the power of desire and the mystery of others minds when working at an AP supermarket in a small town north of Boston in the 1960’s, where there was a lot of social norms and many people didn’t step out of them. The young nineteen-year-old Sammy wasn’t expecting his Thursday shift at AP to go the way it did when income three young girls but, these are not your socially normal teenagers who come walking in the doorRead MoreA P, By John Updike1019 Words   |  5 Pagespsychoanalytical lens can be used to analyze AP, a short story by John Updike, lone, a piece of art by John William Godward, and â€Å"To My Best Friend - Short Film†. Throu gh this lens, readers can draw the theme that all humans have basic instincts and urges that lie in the unconscious mind. Throughout Updike’s AP, it stands clear that we are always being influenced by fundamental human desires. AP is told from the perspective of Sammy, a teenage cashier at AP. In the beginning of the story, three teenageRead MoreA P By John Updike843 Words   |  4 Pageshelp establish the uniqueness of his or her use of speech through the story’s title, structure, punctuation, setting and the communication between characters. In the story A P by John Updike, the author sets the story in a very ordinary place where everyday people go shopping for their groceries, in a market known as A P. Updike’s style within the story shows many aspects of ordinary life. For example, in the first sentence of the story, the narrator Sammy uses incorrectly the word walks, â€Å"InRead MoreA P By John Updike1441 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Updike is considered one of the greatest writers in modern American history. He is known for the idea that seemingly ordinary aspects of American life are actually quite fascinating. He wanted readers to see the beauty and magic of life, so he tried to describe everyday things using the most clear but beautiful language possible. Many of Updike’s pieces are drawn from his own life such as his marriage and his boyhood, as shown in three of his short stories: â€Å"AP†, â€Å"Ace in the Hole†, and â€Å"PigeonRead MoreA P By John Updike765 Words   |   4 PagesJohn Updike wrote, â€Å"A P† in 1961. In this era of the 1950s and early 1960s, conservative dress mirrored conservative social values. Conformity was the measure of popularity as well as a measure of moral rightness. During this time, people were more afraid of being labeled outsiders than they were afraid of the outsiders themselves (â€Å"A P†). Gender issues and the emergence of feminist consciousness are represented when Lengel states the rules that proclaim the girls are decently dressed-codingRead MoreAP by John Updike512 Words   |  2 Pages â€Å"AP† by John Updike is a story about a boy who learns that all actions have consequences. In â€Å"AP† three girls walk in to the store AP in nothing but their bathing suits. Sammy one of the stores cashiers describes what the girls are wearing and what they do throughout the story. The girls walk up and down the aisles catching the attention of many of the other customers. The girls then get in line at Sammy’s checkout, the manager Lengel walks up and tells the girls they will have to leave thisRead MoreA P By John Updike1033 Words   |  5 Pageshow we face these decisions will have an impact in our lives, and sometimes the ones that seem to be small are the most important ones. John Updike understood how making decision affects people’s life, and he develops it in his short story â€Å"A P,† which is the story of an unhappy boy who quits his job for a pretty girl. In order to develop this theme, John Updike takes Sammy, the main charac ter of the story, through three different stages. In the beginning stage, Sammy is just a boy who is not happyRead MoreA P By John Updike914 Words   |  4 Pages Living in California we see women in swimsuits quite often, maybe too often. Still we have those people that find the need to objectify women, even the ones they have seen many times. Although that is what Sammy does in John Updike’s â€Å"AP†. The way â€Å"AP† depicts the young girls is objectifying: from how the main character describes the young women, how he disrespects the older lady he was checking out, the manager kicking the girls out of the store because of what they are wearing, and how the girls

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Things You Should Know About Descriptive and Narrative Essay Topics

Things You Should Know About Descriptive and Narrative Essay Topics With their help it is possible to decide what things to write about, learn the most frequent structure of the paper and understand what topics are definitely the most popular right now. Deciding upon the correct topic may be a true problem, but we are here in order to get you inspired. Selecting the subject of your essay provides you with an advantage in the feeling that you are able to write about something you're passionate ambitious. Since the content of narratives essay can vary when it has to do with distinct institutions, we've resolved to supply you with examples in the event you face an issue. Narrative papers should contain information that's dependable and valid such that in the event of any clarification, the reader should discover the specific data in the sources. A narrative essay is permissive in terms of selecting the topic. A personal narrative essay is just one of the greatest tools to stop social issues which are often disregarded. Get the Scoop on Descriptive and Narrative Essay Topics Before You're Too Late Although narrative essays are normally open to each audience, every writer always has some sort of audience in mind. Narratives are geared toward telling about yourself. A narrative mostly employs the very first person narration. For instance, an essay on the very first topic can tell your private story. However, it may also be based on your imagination. Clearly depict the storyline you need to follow. Bear in mind a topic can help determine the result of a narrative. The story ought to have a particular flow that is logical. It's crucial to have a peek at the paper when you are in possession of a fresh mind, and you've stayed away from paper for a short time. A descriptive essay is a sort of essay which aims at aiding you to illustrate something to your reader in a manner they can see, feel, or hear what it is that you are referring to. The primary aim of topic choice for a proposal essay is to demonstrate the idea can be put into place in practice. Becoming creative and descriptive can occasionally be a challenge. Descriptive and Narrative Essay Topics - Is it a Scam? Like every assignment, a descriptive essay has a certain purpose. Writing descriptive essay students need to be more personal and u se their imagination to the complete extent. Make sure to follow along with the directions supplied by your teacher, and when you're short of ideas on what things to write in your descriptive paper, the above mentioned essay descriptive topics are perfect to select from. The skill of making an essay compelling and persuasive will not merely include writing that is straightforward. With essay services which are writing the majority of the resources had a need to create a paper exemplary are readily available. When you want narrative papers which will let you get much better grades, make certain that you buy your papers from companies that has qualified essay writers. The sort of essays can be challenging and time-consuming, and is the main reason why most students decide to find descriptive essay writing help from online platforms. There are various essay writing style which students have to use while writing narrative papers. What to Do About Descriptive and Narrative Essay Topics Before You Miss Your Chance A descriptive essay is an essay that's bound to offer some type of detailed info on a specific subject. If you wish to create a descriptive essay about your own personal experience, it could possibly be unusual and specific. Utilize our descriptive essay topics list to get the topic you enjoy. Picking the topic for your essay could possibly be the hardest part. In the event you were assigned with a descriptive essay, you are most likely puzzled where to begin. Informative essays are somewhat more descriptive. When you've chosen a narrative subject, you're prepared to get started writing your essay! Before writing, you've got to understand the subject of your essay! Narrative and Descriptive essay are two different sorts of essay writing, where a crystal clear difference between them may be highlighted with regard to the writer's objective in compiling the essay. Narrative essays serve a wide range of purposes. The excellent narrative essay demands enough moment. Narrative essays and descriptive essays aren't necessarily at odds with each other.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Mortality and Morbidity Risk due to Heat Waves

Question: What is the risk of morbidity and mortality in the City of Perth due to Heat Waves? Answer: Introduction The combined effects of climate change, rising global temperatures and urbanization have all contributed to an increase in the number of warm nights as well as more regular and longer heat wave durations. As a consequence, the impact that climate change on Australias populations health has gained increased concerns ('Center for Climate and Energy Solutions', 2017). In recent times, populations have suffered serious health, social, and economic effects in Europe, south East Australia, and the USA, especially in urban areas. This is because urban areas have the issue of buildings that affect the natural micro environment and can act as heat traps during a heat wave. Such events have a multiplier effect, impacting emergency response systems, management of health risk, and infrastructure such as power supply systems (Russo, Sillmann, Fischer, 2015), (Lemonsu, Vigui, Daniel, Masson, 2015). It is widely known that exposure to extreme temperatures significantly impact human health, and in extreme cases, may result in fatality. An example is when over 70 thousand deaths were attributed to the heat wave of 2003 across Europe. Research shows that the relationship between mortality and temperature is usually not linear; further, the highest mortality is usually not achieved on the same day when peak temperatures are reached. This paper discusses the risk of morbidity and mortality in the City of Perth, Australia, by formulating a research question and then providing an answer, basing the discussion on geospatial data for the City of Perth, Australia obtained from AURIN combined with other sources such as the ABS. Risk of morbidity and mortalit The City of Perth is located within the greater Perth metropolitan area; the Perth Metropolitan Area is the capital of the Western Australia. The City of Perth is located on latitude 31.951o S and Longitude 115.818o East with an elevation of 42 meters. Australia has suffered more heat wave deaths than all other natural causes combined and with the effects of climate change, the duration, frequency, and intensity of heat waves are expected to increase. Apart from causing heat stroke and heat exhaustion, exposure to heat can also exacerbate preexisting medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Different people also have different vulnerabilities to heat exposure, with older adults (above 65), outdoor laborers, children, geographically isolated persons, different races and ethnicities( especially those having low Socio Economic Status) are at an increased risk. The impact of heat and heat waves is likely to be multiplied due to amplification of existing risks relating to heat exposure, including buildings and the materials used for the buildings. Buildings, despite being designed to provide shelter, are associated with other hazards such as extreme temperatures and poor air. The density of urban areas has an impact on heat wave effects; high densities coupled with a high urban heat island (UHI) will increase the heat load urban populations experience. During adverse weather conditions, people are more likely to spend most times indoors and research shows that multi dwelling structures are more vulnerable to higher mortality rates during heat waves, using data from the 2003 heat wave in France (Erdman, 2015). Research also shows that urban areas have a higher risk of death than rural areas during heat waves (Gabriel, Endlicher, 2011). The image below shows the aerial view of the city of Perth showing the urban areas and the green (tree) cover for the City; Source: AURIN The City of Perth has a population of 21 092 (for the municipality) spread around the suburbs of Perth, Crawley, East Perth, West Perth, Nedlands, Northbridge, and Subiaco. Source; ABS The factors that are likely to impact mortality and morbidity due to extreme temperatures (hot ) are summarized in the table below, Number Factor 1 Age 2 Accessibility/ remoteness 3 Socio economic index 4 Gender Past studies have shown that the older the person, the greater the impact and effects of heat and heat waves; a 10 oC increase in the maximum temperatures was associated with a 9.8% increase in daily mortality rates (Williams et al., 2012) . The figure below shows historical data showing the relationship between heat and the factors (variables) that affect the effects of heat waves Below is a heat map of Australia taking an average of ten years from 2006; it shows that Perth and Western Australia has on average experienced the highest rise in average temperatures, which makes the region of Perth City a highly risky area during a heat wave. During heat waves, a number of facilities are affected, including power supply systems that in turn interfere with air conditioning services, creating heat traps. The use of glass and having multi story buildings further exacerbate the problem as urban heat islands are created and the buildings act as heat traps. The risk index for morbidity and mortality for the city of Perth therefore is highest in the high density building areas around central Perth and where there are multiple story buildings as the below heat map indicates, the darker the color, the greater the risk of morbidity or mortality from a heat wave in the City of Perth. As the images above show, planers and emergency personnel should develop emergency systems as well as other ways of mitigating the effects of heat waves by concentrating on areas with a higher density of multi-story buildings which act as heat traps, have the lowest tree canopy cover, and experience elevated temperatures that exceed the 30 oC threshold for continued periods. Central Perth City has glass sided tall skyscrapers that rely on air conditioning to keep people inside cool; however, these can become huge heat traps; if there was power failure due to a heat wave; for instance, the buildings will become heat traps and can cause mortality and other adverse health effects, apart from being extremely uncomfortable. The heat map shows that the central regions of Melbourne experience greater warmth, making them UHIs and this is mainly because of human activity of tall buildings made of glass. Glass also reflects away some heat to surrounding buildings; these exacerbate the heat wav es as they create heat traps References 'Australian Bureau of Statistics',. (2017). Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2012-13. Retrieved 3 April 2017, from 'Center for CLimate and Energy Solutions',. (2017). Extreme Heat and Climate Change | Center forClimate and Energy Solutions. Retrieved 3 April 2017, from Erdman, J. (2015). Heat Records Shattered in Germany, France, The Netherlands in June/July 2015 Europe Heat Wave. The Weather Channel. Retrieved 3 April 2017, from Gabriel, K., Endlicher, W. (2011). Urban and rural mortality rates during heat waves in Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. Environmental Pollution, 159(8-9), 2044-2050. Lemonsu, A., Vigui, V., Daniel, M., Masson, V. (2015). Vulnerability to heat waves: Impact of urban expansion scenarios on urban heat island and heat stress in Paris (France). Urban Climate, 14, 586-605. Russo, S., Sillmann, J., Fischer, E. (2015). Top ten European heatwaves since 1950 and their occurrence in the coming decades. IOP. Retrieved 3 April 2017, from Williams, S., Nitschke, M., Weinstein, P., Pisaniello, D., Parton, K. and Bi, P. (2012). The impact of summer temperatures and heatwaves on mortality and morbidity in Perth, Australia 19942008. Environment International, [online] 40, pp.33-38. Available at: