Thursday, December 26, 2019

Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange Market Example For Free - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1047 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Did you like this example? Abu Dhabi Securities Market was established in 2000, the market has a legal personality and financial autonomy and administrative and supervisory and executive powers necessary for the exercise of his functions. Market aims to provide an opportunity to invest savings and funds in securities in the interest of the national economy and ensure the safety and accuracy of transactions and ensures interaction of the forces of supply and demand to determine prices and to protect investors and strengthen the foundations for proper handling and equitable and tighten controls on trading in securities to ensure the safety actions and procedures, and develop Awareness of the investment to ensure that savings are channeled to productive sectors, contributing to the achievement of financial and economic stability. Economic functions  of the  Stock Exchange Stock exchange has a great impact on the economic level in the country. In thi s section we will mention some of the function of the stock exchange. Development saving: stock exchange encouraging the investment in the field of securities and savings are channeled to serve the national economy which is reflected most clearly in a state of small savers who do not have the little tags which cannot create separate projects and then prefer to buy securities a b t a financial measure of financial energy which helps to serve the purposes of economic development Assistance in funding: investment in stock exchange helps to transfer of funds from lenders to borrowers. The lenders are reducing the rate of consumer spending in the current time and saving part of it is willing to get higher incomes in the future when the time comes-term recovery of these loans. Contribute to the financing of development plans: in most time, the government may not have enough money to spend on the project, so the government will go to inform their stock to the public. Directing resources to areas most profitable: the bid and ask trading seeking to achieve high efficiency in directing resources to the citizens to industrial and commercial. To reach this level of efficiency, it should availability this objective: the prices efficiency, the quality of trade, equity markets, and security. Achieve equilibrator prices for securities: If the stock market based on a firm foundation and strong will determine the prices of securities traded in a realistic manner and on the basis of sufficient knowledge and a high degree of justice. The possibility of assessing companies and investment projects efficiently: by contribute to raising the awareness of investors and the horrible reality of companies and projects Provide transparency: The stock exchange requires companies whose securities are listed on the disclosure of all their data to investors, including in turn creates a state of transparency reflects the economic reality of the country and encourage more ca pital to invest in the country. Types of exchanges Since the stock market is a meeting place for sellers who are buyers who have the supply side demand side there are many types of exchanges, including: Employment exchange: The place where workers meet together and hold meetings to organize themselves and view the proposals for various services that could be offered by work Stock Exchange. Products exchange: It also called the trade exchange which a place Where they are sold the material and basic products such as cotton and sugar which are dealing in this market on basis of samples displayed different products , where products has sold several times and determined by the domestic and international prices. Stock value exchange: Transfer of ownership of these shares and bonds from hand to hand; it is the most famous type of stock exchange. These stocks and bonds are dealing through brokers and intermediaries. Currency exchange: Is one of the markets dealing in forei gn exchange and are located in all parts of the world, particularly in major centers such as New York and London, Paris and Tokyo, linked to these markets to each other through computer networks and telephone, fax and telex and other means of communication. Modus operandi  in the  stock market Stocks markets are generally operate on the basis of Bid and ask. There are no direct contacts between investors, the relationship between investors done by intermediaries or brokers. In this case each investor will have contract with the brokers, he will decide to buy or sell depended on the market price or the investor will determined the prices for broker, and the prices will affect by the numbers of ask and bid. The person concerned in the implementation of the brokerage company registration command, whether for sale or for purchase on the stock exchange and trading system as soon as verification of client balances of securities in the case of a sale of its assets or cash in case of purchase. Circulation  on the same day To buy and sell Securities at the same day to increase the profit in short time, which led to increase in the value and Volume of the trade. Also it protects the investor from the changing in the prices in the long time, but it has a risk for new investors who dont have enough experience in expecting of prices changes. Are dealing with  the Stock Exchange Investors will deal with two types of people when they are dealing with the stock exchange. Direct people: the investor will deal with the broker and financial advisor, the broker who is responsible for transaction of buying or selling the stock and financial advisor which could be a person or a company which specialize in financial advisor. In direct people: it mean that the investor who will buy the stock cant know from who will buy the stock ,also the investor who want to sell the stock ,he will not know to whom the stock will go. A l ist of the best traded stocks and bonds in the UAE ALDAR Properties DANADana Gas Sorouh Real Estate Company Etisalat METHAQMethaq Takaful Insurance Co WAHAWaha Capital RAKCCRas Al Khaimah Cement Company RAKPROPRAK Properties FGBFirst Gulf Bank GCICGreen Crescent Insurance Company ADIBAbu Dhabi Islamic Bank NBADNational Bank of Abu Dhabi REFRENCE Unknown Author.(n.d) Retrieved January r3,2011,from ) Hasan Hamdi, (2006) your way for stock and investment. frist editions. Damascus and Cairo, Arabic Book house. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

RIPA-G2 Diagnostic Test Evaluation - 1624 Words

Ross Information Processing Assessment – Geriatric: Second Edition (RIPA G:2) Diagnostic Test Critique General Information Ross-Swain, D., Fogle, P.T., (2012). Ross Information Processing Assessment-Geriatric. (2nd ed.). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed. No reference was given as to what revisions/changes occurred in the production of the RIPA-G:2 from its previous edition. Purpose of Test The purpose of the Ross Information Processing Assessment-Geriatric: Second Edition (RIPA-G:2) is to provide a comprehensive and norm-referenced cognitive-linguistic assessment instrument that is designed to identify, describe, and quantify cognitive-linguistic deficits in individuals ages 55 years and older. Test Composition The RIPA-G:2†¦show more content†¦Scoring For every subtest (except for part A of Subtest 6) each response is given a score of 3 when the response is correct, 2 when the response is partially correct, self-corrected, or correct but accompanied by irrelevant or tangential information, 1 when the response is an error, perseverated, or confabulated, or 0 when the response is denied or unintelligible, or no response is elicited. These scores are in conjunction with the diacritical notations so as to better describe the examinees performance. For Subtest 6 part A, the examiner should make a note of what strategies the examinee employs and tally the number of correct objects named. For this part of Subtest 6 the rubric follows the same 3-0 scale, however the criteria is different. A score of 3 is given when all items are correct and the total tally of responses is 15 or more, 2 when all responses are self-corrected or the total tally of responses is 10-14, 1 when there are error responses, perseverations, or denials, or the total tally of responses is 9 or less, and 0 when the response is unintelligible or no response is elicited. The RIPA-G:2 produces three types of scores: raw scores, scaled scores, and percentile ranks. The percentile rank can be converted to a corresponding severity rating that provides a general indication of the examinee’s performance in comparison to others. The raw score is calculated for each subtest by summing

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Contemporary Issues and Legitimacy in Accounting †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Issues and Legitimacy in Accounting. Answer: Introduction In the modern world, accounting is a significant aspect that is undertaken by all the organizations that are functioning in the current economy. It is seen that accounting is vital in understanding the financial position of the firm and what changes can be undertaken in order to improve the business performance. With respect to the topic that is given in the case study, it is seen that social contract is a significant aspect that has been established during the prehistoric time. It is seen that social contract is helpful in creating a collaboration among the employees and the stakeholders that are involved with the operations of the business (Mansell 2015). Legitimacy theory is an important aspect and therefore social contract can be implemented with respect to this theory. This topic has been taken into consideration as the theory of legitimacy helps in the development of the accounting structure of the firm and hence, there is a necessity for the application of social contract in the legitimacy theory. The information with regard to this topic has been gathered and established by taking help of various theories prepared by researchers hailing from various regions (Mena 2016). Hence, the construction of the paper, brings out the true colour that is essential for understanding so that social contract can be implemented in the legitimacy theory. Explanation of the relevance and application of Social Contract to Legitimacy Theory in Accounting As explained by Skyrms (2014) the theory of legitimacy in finance can be taken as a standard perception or else a hypothesis that the deeds of a specific entity are demanded, precise and accurate within a distinct socially prepared process of rules and regulations, the definitions as well as the principles. In this aspect, it can be said that legitimacy theory can be taken as one of the best mentioned beliefs and principles within the community and even in the ecological space. Conversely, the social contract theory discloses the information that from the initiation of the civilization of mankind, various social contracts have significantly aided both the government and the individuals to function and work in a close relation among each other. As stated by Steverson et al., (2013), the communities and the societies are mainly handled and supervised by the government effectively. There are several philosophers and ideologists who are in the outlook that individuals can attain certain benefits by living and surviving together and the requirement to trail various regulations and rules as well. It is seen specifically, that societies are the reason for the negotiations and the social contracts specially to give out the framework with respect to the way the individuals and the government can communicate and interact. Ogbuju Eneh (2016) undertook an analysis in order to bring out the effect of the environment on the current functions that are related to accounting as it is thought that accounting is more expected to be tangled in the method that is associated with the environmental problems. The social contract significantly demands that even though the primary aim of the business is to bring out profits, the organizations even has an principled obligations to perform in a manner that is socially accountable. This process of social contract is significantly a fundamental standard that is based on, which various theories of organizational revelations are crucially ba sed. Shafer-Landau (2014) proclaims that this standard even delivers a significant structure for analysing and studying the environmental assertions by several business organizations. Legitimacy theory is discovered to be one of the primary social theories that is significantly aided by the perception of distinctly social contract. In this spirit, this has been discovered to be an effective tool for explanation with respect to the regards to the idea environmental recording by various operational organizations. There are various aspects with the help of which the organizations propose to legalise their own activities by trying to gain the correspondence among the operations of the entity as well as the aims with respect to the values of the society (Lacey Lamont 2014). Within itself, it is important to consider that the model of legitimacy is one of the innumerable social theories that have been exploited in order to explain the causes behind the specifically environmental declarat ions and the perception with respect to the social contract. Conversely, there exists a profound doubt among the various researchers with respect to the offers that is given with respect to various charitable declarations of the organization. Quinn (2017) accurately puts forward the fact that there is a critical issue that has to be taken into consideration comprises of two assorted legitimacy concept categories, out of which one of them is the macro theory that is even known as the Institutional Legitimacy Theory. Specifically, this particular theory ties to deal in the process the organizational structure have attained the acceptance from the society largely. Muldoon (2016) orates that institutionalization as well as legitimacy are practically similar and both the consequences provides supremacy and power to the organizations primarily by making them look meaningful as well as natural. Weber (2014) explains correctly from the outlook of the accounting research, that gives out the time agenda and even undertakes questions that are considered, but the current environment of the business that counts the capitalistic structure, the form of government that is democratic and various others that are considered normally, a stationary setting within which the research is undertaken. Conversely, this belief requires to be considered carefully and then taken into consideration so that for a long term study of any sizeable length. Rogowski (2015) rightly puts forward that there are various layers with respect to the theory of legitimacy. At the initial stage, there are communities, religions, government and capitalism as well. The second level that is considered as organizational stage, there is presence of maintenance, extensions, establishments and defence. Glozer et al., (2014) states correctly that the strata that is below the primary stage is the organizational stage. Specifically, the fundamental structural legitimacy method with the help of which the companies try to look for permits as well as dodging from the various sections in a community. Significantly, bulk of the examinations that are associated with accounting have a tendency to bring out an understanding with respect to legitimacy. The organizations look for constructing a similarity among the diversified communalisms by the values that are associated to the standards of of sufficient behaviour with the background of a vaster framework that is in relation to the society. It is seen that with respect to the two varied processes of fixed value that are corresponding, it is seen that legitimacy of the firms is discovered to be present. Conversely, during the time when the real or when the probable disparity is present among the tow various value systems, it is seen that there will be a risk to the legitimacy of the organization. The business view of legitimacy is a functional resource that the firms eliminate competitively from the cultural atmosphere and that they hire in order to accomplish their aims and goals. Bitektine Haack (2015) orates that legitimacy can be taken as the resource that a specific company needs during the bid in order to operate. There are various operations as well as programs that raise the legitimacy and there are events that can reduce it. It is seen that reduced level of legitimacy can distinctly have dreadful phenomenon for a firm that can eventually lead to the loss of the authority to perform. There are chances when a consideration can be taken with respect to the firm to be a valid and thoughts are given regarding their validity, and this in real situation can turn into a bigger exercise to try to compute validity directly. There are strong after effects in this case but still the validity can be taken into account as a nonconcrete perception that brings out the reality by the various performers present in the social environment (Dagiliene 2015). Within itself, for an examiner to try and properly disclose the legitimacy of various firms can be seen to be actually a wider job, explaining the individual outlooks of the examiner. Furthermore, with respect to legitimacy, it is seen that it has commonly been depicted as resources that the companies requires to gain from the atmosphere. Conversely, during the time of analysing legitimacy as a distinct thing that can be altered among the institutes and it is seen that validity is properly taken as a significant segment of the situation of exchange as well as a phenomenon that is related to the give and take policy. Specifically, validity has a practical preparation and this represents as a depiction that is representational and specifically seen as a united analysis for an organisation and this is validated to several researchers as well as with the participants practically by specifically the movement of the resources. Conversely, the properties significantly have the requirement of the representational import so that it can function as a positive value in course of the cultural interchange. Moreover, validity can be taken as an upper order determination of that particular descriptions, which is a demo if explanations. Cheng et al., (2014) contradicts that precise framework in the region of legitimacy structure requires to investigate the relevant stakeholders and the process in which it motivates the resource flow that is essential for the foundation of the organization. Enhancement as well as the grow th, total existence, whether with the help of direct supervision or by the method of announcement with respect to goodwill. Crotty Ljubownikow (2016) explains that there are four various stakeholders in the firm and each of the stakeholders are known to handle the varied resources. Al stakeholders of the firm are inclusive of the condition that in turn handle the resources like the tax, contracts, legislation, regulations and grants. Furthermore, the stakeholders mostly the society even gives out benefaction like the consumers, assistance and support with respect to the interest of the labour and society. Additionally, the financial society is another significant stakeholder that handles and supervises the investment. Additionally, the stakeholders namely the media even handles various resources that are direct in nature and this can substantially have an influence on the stakeholders selection (Bebbington et al., 2014). Additionally, the organizations try to control the legitimacy as it aids in undertaking certain sustainable capital flow, labour and predicts terminates or overall ostracism of various commodities and several other offensive operations that are performed by the external parties. With the help of easing or else rectifying the various probable problems, the structural legitimacy gives out diversified managements with a specific degree of independence thereby to select the process with the help of which where and how the activities of the firm can be performed. It is seen that Lu Abeysekera (2014) correctly recognised that structural legitimacy theory intends that a firm can have four various levels that is in respect to legitimacy. Specifically, these stages are foundations of legitimacy, legitimacy maintenance, expansion of legitimacy and defensive diversified legitimacy. Conversely, the social components are associated with each of the stages of legitimacy. Stanny (2013) explains that the initial stage of the construction of legitimacy reproduces the initial stages of enhancement of a firm and have the tendency to turn around matters of capability, especially the financial ability. Furthermore, the business entities requires to be aware of the socially established measures of the quality with the request and the requirement to complete with respect to the identified codes of competence. Additionally to this scenario, the nest step comprises of the stages of the postponement of the legitimacy. It is seen that there may be a situation during which the organizations come to a new environment or market or even modifies the process with which it links to the modern stock exchanges. In reality, it is seen that such an effect can lead to postponement of legitimacy that is suitable to be powerful as well as vigorous as the management aim to obtain promise as well as supporting the customers who are mistrustful. It is seen that specifically, legitimacy can face risks by a distinct event that is intrinsic and extrinsic and as a result may need some defence. Bhme (2013) puts forward a comment that actions that are legitimate looks to be strong and responsive as the management looks to rectify the threat. While leaving out the main manifestation, it is predicted in the System of Western Capitalist that mostly all the organizations can frequently require to reserve the legitimacy. It is seen that this is the final stage that requires to likely to be the core concentration of the various examiners with respect to accounting. Furthermore, this even gives out the chance to evaluate critical connection among both the resources and legitimacy. In specific, the major paper that was precisely cited by several environmental and social researchers who are involved with accounting looks to be relevant with this scenario. The theory of legitimacy significantly proposes several researchers as well as widesp read society in a specific manner to logically unload diversified disclosures that are corporate in nature. Nonetheless, analysis as well as understanding of the current notion requires to be more differentiated and this primarily requires to be referred to differentiation developments both among the works that have been gathered and more than the same. This is what happens when the overall capacity of the distinct concept of legitimacy for the investigation of the widespread range of various disclosures to understood entirely. Muldoon (2016) focuses that the intelligence developed can be exploited for bringing out the grander and useful information to various makers of the decisions specifically to the stakeholders. Specifically in this way, the overall society can be gifted with the authority to have better controlling power and have the supremacy to handle and control the method of assignment of the possessions. Conclusion The conclusion of the paper reveals that the legitimacy perception is one of the various social theories that have been exploited to explain the believed reason behind the environmental statements and the perceptions with respect to the social contract. The present paper explains that that the cogency principle that has been one of the most recognised notions within the community as well as region of the environment. This paper aids in obtaining the wide-ranging knowledge about the fact that legitimacy that is critically a standardized notion or the beliefs that in turn explains that the engagements of specific unit are essentially demanded, suitable within the communally established process of the regulations, beliefs, explanations and principles. In this spirit, this paper aids in obtaining a summarized overview with respect to the fact that the concept of legitimacy is a robust tool for understanding skilful environmental and social disclosures that are proposed by the firm. This is helpful for grasping certain vehicles for undertaking a serious discussions. References Bebbington, J., Unerman, J., O'Dwyer, B. (2014).Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Bitektine, A., Haack, P. (2015). The macro and the micro of legitimacy: Toward a multilevel theory of the legitimacy process.Academy of Management Review,40(1), 49-75. Bhme, M. (2013).Do we need global legitimacy?: A brief history of the concept of legitimacy and why we need to develop it. GRIN Verlag. Cheng, M., Green, W., Conradie, P., Konishi, N., Romi, A. (2014). The international integrated reporting framework: key issues and future research opportunities.Journal of International Financial Management Accounting,25(1), 90-119. Crotty, J., Ljubownikow, S. (2016, January). Dealing with Excessive Regulation: Legitimacy Seeking by Russian Non-Profit Organizations. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 13831). Academy of Management. Dagiliene, L. (2015). The research of corporate social responsibility disclosures in annual reports.Engineering Economics,21(2). Glozer, S., Caruana, R., Hibbert, S. A. (2014, January). Constructing Legitimacy in Online Corporate Social Responsibility Communication. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2014, No. 1, p. 15051). Academy of Management. Lacey, J., Lamont, J. (2014). Using social contract to inform social licence to operate: an application in the Australian coal seam gas industry.Journal of Cleaner Production,84, 831-839. Lu, Y., Abeysekera, I. (2014). Stakeholders' power, corporate characteristics, and social and environmental disclosure: evidence from China.Journal of Cleaner Production,64, 426-436. Mansell, S. (2015).Book Review: Rejoinder to Veldmans review of Capitalism, Corporations and the Social Contract: A Critique of Stakeholder Theory(Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 271-275). A. Pullen, C. Rhodes (Eds.). Sage UK: London, England: Sage Publications. Mena, S. (2016). Book Review: Samuel F. Mansell Capitalism, Corporations and the Social Contract: A Critique of Stakeholder Theory. Muldoon, R. (2016).Social contract theory for a diverse world: Beyond tolerance. Routledge. Ogbuju, S., Eneh, O. C. (2016). Locating the reality of the social contract theory and the failed state concept in Nigerias governance.Sustainable Human Development Review,6(1-4). Quinn, M. (2017). Place Leadership and The Social Contract: Re-Examining Local Leadership in the East Midlands. Rogowski, R. (2015).Rational legitimacy: A theory of political support. Princeton University Press. Shafer-Landau, R. (2014). The fundamentals of ethics. Skyrms, B. (2014).Evolution of the social contract. Cambridge University Press. Stanny, E. (2013). Voluntary disclosures of emissions by US firms.Business Strategy and the Environment,22(3), 145-158. Steverson, B. K., Rutherford, M. W., Buller, P. F. (2013). New venture legitimacy lies and ethics: an application of social contract theory.J. Eth. Entrep,3, 73-92. Weber, T. M. (2014). Examining Social Contract Theory.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Alexandria Quartet. Justine Review Essay Example

The Alexandria Quartet. Justine Review Paper Essay on The Alexandria Quartet. Justine This book has caused extremely mixed chuvstva.S one hand, the skill of the authors face. Style full of finesse. The book itself-shelter esthete. Descriptions brought to perfection. Who would have thought that brother, all of the famous writer and naturalist Gerald Durrell, author, as it is now govorit- bestseller, My family and other animals, would be so thin, refined by the author. His Lawrence, the way to create text, so filigree as if handmade, all the minute details of the text and, of speech, selection words- prochustvovat so thin that this skill can not but admire. The disappointment must not right word, feeling neudovletvorennosi book arose from the displeasure, as the author crafted storyline. We will write a custom essay sample on The Alexandria Quartet. Justine Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Alexandria Quartet. Justine Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Alexandria Quartet. Justine Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is a matter of fact and not as such. There is a stream of consciousness, emotions, impressions, feelings, and longwall thoughts and associations of which I very long tried to isolate, is to isolate, fragmentary segments of information in order to understand at last what, Im talking about. And so what is this subtle work? of course the action takes place in Alexandria, in our century. The author however described the city so that he could cause the association with Shangri-La than Egitom. Alexandria by Darrell something intoxicating, wrapped in mysticism, and yet something European .mozhet be the reason that the author still describes the characters of high society or bohemian. Center of the figure in the stream of consciousness of the author is the femme fatale, fatal beauty Justine. Darell, the images of his heroes is not fully disclose, apparently this is the original idea. Justine, by its nature, object unbridled passions from the outside, and is itself a carrier irrepressible zhelaniya.Pri all this, she-Elegant fine lady that changes lovers, mistresses, sometimes as seals, at times, that I was outraged, visits to children bordeli.Kakim Darrell esthete was not, but this fact could have missed, in my opinion it was quite superfluous. Finally, Justine finds a permanent lover, who was at the time to concentrate on her attention, probably even possible to use the expression it has lost a head from love .Obektom her lust and in fact turned out to be the author, tells this very refined, enveloped in passion story, leading sions endless monologue .On the background looms the man who knows everything, but madly in love with his wife. Basically, if you sort through plot, it is quite tipichen.On and she and she and he, it is the Alexandria quartet. From this fact, and my confusion. In style, the author of anything that smacks of Huysmans, maybe even on Wilde. I in this case, exclusively on the construction of aesthetics in a cult. Dynamics, humor is certainly out of place, is not as a species would .If possible, pour into it the product of a spark of life, can be turned out to be a masterpiece, but for now it is only a book for delicate natures magnificent example of monotonous tightness soaked beautiful descriptions like .If comparison is appropriate, how tasteless meat for a delicious sauce.