Wednesday, November 27, 2019

6 Strategies to Develop Your Critical Reading Skills

6 Strategies to Develop Your Critical Reading Skills To those in professions that involve using your mind as a tool, keeping skills like critical reading and critical thinking sharp is an absolute must. Most of us have been required to read critically during our education, but, strangely enough, the skill remains untapped or undeveloped by most adults. Critical reading, by and large, concerns not discerning what the text says, but why it says what it says and a sharp critical reader will separate three functions that a text performs: what it says, what it does and what the congruity of those two is supposed to mean. In other words, to read critically is to think not about what the text says about one topic or another, but what the text attempts to accomplish by stating what its stating in terms of facts and arguments presented. Here are some strategies that will help you become a better critical reader: 1. Develop Critical Reading Along With Critical Thinking At least once a day, resolve to read something that attempts to argue for or against a cause. Then, spend some time to answer basic questions: what is the issue and why is it being discussed? What is this author advocating for? How do they justify their stance on this topic? Are these good reasons? Why or why not? For reading material, try the New York Times Opinion Pages. 2. Lay Your Thoughts Out Some prefer using a pen and paper, but the easier way is saying what youre thinking out loud, allowing your thoughts to go from something wishy-washy and unsound to concrete, composed statements. It might seem silly, but even advanced students of logical theory have to do this, and its definitely a practical skill worth developing. When youre ruminating on a topic, your mind can go from one thought to the next, barely registering that something was there after your thought switches to something else. Verbalizing those thoughts allows them to bear weight and be recorded. 3. Read Up on Logical Theory Learn what an argument is and the difference between deductive and inductive arguments. Finally, learn about what makes an argument valid, what makes an argument sound and how those two things differ from each other. Theres lots more to learn, but these are the basics that will serve you well when dissecting someones arguments. 4. Remember to Think Actively Active thinking means asking questions when presented with statements, its opposition being passive thinking, which is based on relying on assumption, taking things at face value, and prejudice. 5. Be a Skeptic, Not a Cynic Critical thinkers are naturally skeptical and suspicious, though in some, this can cross into cynicism. The rule of thumb for distinguishing between the two is that cynics will assume that something is malicious or untrue, while skeptics do not assume anything. Of course, were all just human and sometimes cant help but fall victim to our emotions, however, try and remember that critical thinking involves thinking actively, and cynicism is purely passive emotional impulse. 6. Above All Else, Be Open to New Ideas To a non-critical thinker, the world is only their perspective of it and what doesnt fall into their view is dismissed simply because its different. A critical thinker, and, by extension, a critical reader judges ideas based on merit alone, accepting views that differ from their own and in fact readily exposing themselves to opposing views. Using these guidelines will help you stay sharp and think on your feet when presented with someones opinions. Resolving to read critically is something everyone should do. Its not in everyones character to read everything critically, nor is it possible to think critically and remain skeptical at all times, but in this world where your news come pre-chewed youll need the right tools to combat spin and misinformation.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Adverb Placement in English and Grammar Focus

Adverb Placement in English and Grammar Focus Adverbs provide information about how, when or where something is done. Its easy to understand what adverbs do by looking at the word adverb: Adverbs add something to the verb! Lets take a look at a few examples: Jack often visits his grandmother in Chicago. The adverb often tells us how often Jack visits his grandmother in Chicago. Alice plays golf very well. The adverb well tells us how Alice plays golf. It tells us the quality of how she plays. However, they must remember to clean up before they leave. The adverb however connects the sentence to the independent clause or sentence that comes before it. You may have noticed that the adverb placement is different in each of the three sentences. Adverb placement in English can be confusing at times. Generally, adverb placement is taught when focusing on specific types of adverbs. Adverb placement for adverbs of frequency comes directly before the main verb. Therefore, they come in the middle of the sentence. This is referred to as mid-position adverb placement. Here is a general guide to adverb placement in English. Adverb Placement: Initial Position Adverb placement at the beginning of a clause or a sentence is referred to as initial position. Connecting Adverbs Initial position adverb placement is used when using a connecting adverb to join a statement to the preceding clause or sentence. Its important to remember that these connecting adverbs take adverb placement at the beginning of a phrase in order to connect it to the phrase that has come before. Commas are often used after the use of a connecting adverb. There are a number of these connecting adverbs, here are some of the most common: However,Consequently,Then,Next,Still, Examples: Life is hard. However, life can be fun.The market is very difficult these days. Consequently, we need to focus on what works best for our customers.My friend Mark doesnt enjoy school. Still, hes working hard at getting good grades. Time Adverbs Time adverbs are also used at the beginning of phrases to indicate when something should happen. Its important to note that time adverbs are used in a number of adverb placements. Time adverbs are the most flexible of all adverbs in their adverb placement. Examples: Tomorrow Peter is going to visit his mother in Chicago.Sundays I like playing golf with my friends.Sometimes Jennifer enjoys a relaxing day at the beach. Adverb Placement: Middle Position Focusing Adverbs Adverb placement of focusing adverbs generally takes place in the middle of a sentence, or in the mid-position. Focusing adverbs put the emphasis on one part of the clause in order to modify, qualify or add additional information. Adverbs of frequency (sometimes, usually, never, etc.), adverbs of certainty (probably, certainly, etc.) and comment adverbs (adverbs expressing an opinion such as intelligently, expertly, etc.) can all be used as focusing adverbs. Examples: She often forgets to take her umbrella to work.Sam stupidly left his computer at home instead of taking it with him to the conference.Ill certainly buy a copy of his book. NOTE: Remember that adverbs of frequency are always placed before the main verb, rather than the auxiliary verb. (I dont often go to San Francisco. NOT I often dont go to San Francisco.) Adverb Placement: End Position Adverb placement is usually at the end of a sentence or phrase. While its true that adverb placement can happen in the initial or mid-position, its also true that adverbs generally are placed at the end of a sentence or phrase. Here are the three most common types of adverbs placed at the end of a sentence or phrase. Adverbs of Manner Adverb placement of adverbs of manner usually occurs at the end of a sentence or clause. Adverbs of manner tell us how something is done. Examples: Susan hasnt done this report accurately.Sheila plays piano thoughtfully.Tim does his math homework carefully. Adverbs of Place Adverb placement of adverbs of place usually occurs at the end of a sentence or clause. Adverbs of place tell us where something is done. Examples: Barbara is cooking pasta downstairs.Im working in the garden outside.They will investigate the crime downtown. Adverbs of Time Adverb placement of adverbs of time usually occurs at the end of a sentence or clause. Adverbs of manner tell us when something is done. Examples: Angie likes relaxing at home on weekends.Our meeting takes place at three oclock.Frank is having a checkup tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Effects of Acculturation and Assimilation on Second Language Research Paper

The Effects of Acculturation and Assimilation on Second Language Acquisition - Research Paper Example Both social and economic sectors have been affected by the respective transformations. In the social sphere, the education sector is perhaps the most affected. Increasingly, populations are being compelled to develop more integrated methods of transport and communication. Communication is particularly important in the environment because it enhances understanding of the knowledge that is passed across in various institutions. Indeed, it cannot be disputed that effective communication fosters understanding and enhances consumption of the respective information by the students. This is at the core of the primary goals and objectives of education. In essence, effective communication aids in promoting sustainable development in this sector. In the education sector, communication amongst students and teachers promotes the establishment and development of lasting positive relationships. Through these relationships, students are able to understand and appreciated the knowledge that the get and skills that are delivered to them. The teachers or instructors on the other hand have an easy time to pass on important concepts to the students. Effective communication prevents possible conflicts that are likely to emanate stem from incidences of misinformation. As indicated earlier, globalization trends have led to the free movement of students form one region to the other. As a result, it has diversified learning environments with respect to culture and particularly language. Current trends indicate that students go to great lengths to attain quality education. Certainly, this is requisite for effective functioning in the society. The students are compelled to pursue this good by the changing environments in the corporate sphere. Seemingly, successful business entities prefer personnel that are well equipped with respect to knowledge and skills. This enables respective organizations to attain a competitive edge and realize optimal outcomes in their endeavors. Likewise, most businesses always seek to enhance their performance with regard to profit making. One of the most important factors in the current education sphere pertains to language. In order to function executively and realize optimal outcomes in the current diversified learning environments, both students and teachers are being compelled to learn a second language. Usually, their first language includes their native language and is useful in the local learning institutions. When they get to national and international levels, they are always required to acquire knowledge about a second language. This enables them to communicate effectively in their learning environments and understand the information that is passed on to them. In addition, it enables them to address the challenges that they face especially considering that most of them learn from foreign environments. At this point, it is worth appreciating that language is an important cultural component that aids in understanding the ways of life of a certain community. Effective learning only takes place in environments that are peaceful and devoid of unnecessary conflicts. In most instances, conflicts that occur in the learning environments tend to be closely associated with cultural differences. In this respect, it is also worth noting that culture is a very sensitive social aspect that is intrinsic of a people’s behavior and general way of life. Relative conflicts are therefore equally sensitive and the likelihood of these spurring into more complex conflicts is very high. In the learning environment, this is undesirable and can compromise the wellbeing of the entire school fraternity. It is for this reason that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Career Research Paper (Mechanical Engineering at BMW M model) Part 2

Career (Mechanical Engineering at BMW M model) Part 2 - Research Paper Example Mechanics is associated with designing and working of machines and can be ascertained as the main department of all other branches of science. A degree in mechanical engineering can be helpful to obtain a job in automobile industry, wherein an opportunity to design cars and other vehicles along with conducting various research and development activities can be gained. As a mechanical engineer, students may get assistance in planning and designing vehicle parts. Therefore, it can be stated that mechanical engineering profession is of great importance in the automobile sector (Murthy 1-18). With this concern, the research paper intends to analyze the current demand for new hires in entry-level jobs relating to one of the companies operating in the automobile industry i.e. BMW Group. The company is regarded as one of the biggest manufacturers of cars, which provides job opportunities to those students who are pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering or searching job in the respective field. The various methods followed by the students in finding jobs in automobile sector have also been discussed in this research paper. Apart from this, utmost focus has been levied upon depicting the possible career growth path along with the compensation expected by the students at the entry level job and expected pay after gaining experiences (BMWGroup â€Å"A World of Opportunities†). The demand for mechanical engineers is high in automobile industry, as they possess the ability of playing the role of automotive engineers as well. A mechanical engineer can cover the entire job roles of an automotive engineer. Both mechanical and automotive engineer are required to design vehicles for the concerned companies to whom they are employed. A mechanical engineer has the skill to design various components and parts of the vehicles and above all, they also perform additional roles of ensuring greater safety

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Race and Ethnicity Essay Example for Free

Race and Ethnicity Essay Crash is highly ambiguous in the depiction of multiculturalism in American society. Almost all the ethnicities depicted in Crash question the perception others have their particular group, but at the same time affirm the different stereotypes surrounding their ethnic group. For example, one of the black characters (‘Anthony’) remarks that they should be afraid in a white neighborhood, due to their group’s association with crime. Following this intelligent observation, he and his friend (‘Peter’) proceed to steal a car from a white couple (Rick and Jean Cabot), affirming the stereotype whites have of them. Another example would be the Persian-American father, who is accused by a gun-store owner to be a danger to society, The father denies this fact, but ends up shooting a child. This ambiguous portrayal shows us one of the dilemmas of Multiculturalism in American society. While it strives to acknowledge diversity, it also promotes color consciousness by rejecting color-blind solutions. To quote Gordon and Newfield â€Å"Multiculturalism in the 1980’s sponsored renewed protests against white racism and yet it appeared to replace the emphasis on race and racism with an emphasis on cultural diversity. Multiculturalism rejected racial subordination but seemed sometimes to support itâ€Å". While Gordon and Newfield also attest that â€Å"multiculturalism often avoided race. It designated cultures†, but multiculturalism in Crash inexorably comes down to race and ethnicity. The characters in Crash think in terms of race or ethnicity, not culture. Despite the fact that every major character is culturally ‘American’, race is the definitive factor in determining identity. The upper-class African-American Cameron is accused of not being ‘black’ enough. The Persian-American father is angered that he is mistaken for being an Arab (traditionally considered to be part of the Hamitic race), while both ethnicities can be considered part of Islamic culture. The Asian-American characters and the Cambodian immigrants are first and foremost ‘Asian’ and no attempt is made to distinguish them culturally. This can clearly be seen at the end of the movie; Anthony drops the Cambodians off in Chinatown, an ‘Asian’ neighborhood, inhabited by Chinese-Americans whose culture and language is completely foreign to the Cambodians. Furthermore everyone from South-American is labeled as Latino or Hispanic, despite the fact that Brazilians are culturally and linguistically Portuguese and that Argentina is more ‘white’ than the United States. Detective Ria is called Mexican (the most common Hispanic group in Los Angeles) multiple times in the movie, despite having a shared Puerto Rican and El-Salvadorian background. One must understand that there is a racial divide or a perceived racial divide in American society, not just between the white American majority and minority groups but between different minority groups as well. This is best seen during Crash’s opening scene, where a ‘native’ Asian-American woman (Kim Lee) accuses the ‘native’ Hispanic Ria of being an illegal immigrant in broken English. Another example would be the privileged African-American Cameron. After an attempted carjacking, he is mistaken for one of the carjackers, due to his belligerent attitude and encounters a racial divide that completely nullifies his privileged position. In other words, his upper-class job gave him a degree of ‘whiteness’, which dissipates when he is mistaken for a ‘black’ thug. The racial divide is best described by Ronald Takaki, a Japanese-American and a professor on multicultural American during an encounter with a taxi driver. The taxi driver asked how long he had been in the US; Takaki interpreted his question in terms of race: â€Å"Somehow I did not look ‘American’ to him; my eyes and complexion looked foreign. Suddenly we both became aware of a racial divide between us†. For the taxi driver, an Asian man speaking good English was somehow remarkable and likely made his comment without any racist connotations. For the Japanese-American Takaki, it was a reminder that the notion of ‘Americaness’ was still closely related to race. Another Academic, Schlesinger notes that â€Å"The bonds of cohesion in our society are sufficiently fragile, or so it seems to me, that it makes no sense to strain them by encouraging and exalting cultural and linguistic apartheid. The American identity will never be fixed and final; it will always be in the making†. Despite being an assimilationist, Schlesinger has a valid argument, at least with this quote. ‘American’ is not a fixed identity; it means different things to different minority groups. For the Asian-American woman, speaking broken English raised no questions regarding her Asian-American identity, while the Hispanic Ria was dumbfounded by the fact that the women accused her of being an illegal in broken English. Schlesinger correctly notes how fragile the bonds between the different ethnic groups are. This returns in Crash, where almost every ‘multicultural’ interaction is the result of a crash or conflict. As Gordon and Newfield point out in their essay, multiculturalism might have placed the emphasis on cultural diversity, rather than race or racism, but it has done little to deal with the underlying racial divide that exists in American society. Bibliography â€Å"Argentina Demographics Profile 2010†, Index Mundi, accessed 10-3-2010, http://www. indexmundi. com/argentina/demographics_profile. html Avery Gordon and Christopher Newfield, Mapping Multiculturalism (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), 3-4 Schlesinger, Arthur M. , The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society (New York: Norton, 1992) 137-138 Takaki, Ronald, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America (New York: Back Bay Books, 1993) 1-2.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Fredrick Douglass Essay -- essays research papers

FREDERICK DOUGLASS Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in 1817, in Tuckahoe, Maryland. Because his slave mother, Harriet Bailey, used to call him her "little valentine," he adopted February 14th as his birthday, not knowing the exact date of his birth. He knew very little about his mother since she was employed as a field hand on a plantation some twelve miles away, and she died when he was eight or nine years old. Douglass knew even less about his father, but it was rumored that he was the son of his White slave master, Aaron Anthony. Young Frederick was grossly mistreated. To keep from starving, on many occasions, he competed with his master's dogs for table scraps and bones. In 1825, he was sent to serve as a houseboy in the home of Hugh and Sophia Auld in Baltimore. Mrs Auld grew fond of him and sought to teach him to read and write. By the time her irate husband discovered the deed and put a stop to it, Douglass had acquired enough of the rudiments to carry on by himself. His life in Baltimore was interrupted in 1832 at the death of Captain Anthony. Frederick was passed along to the possession of Thomas Auld, Anthony's son-in-law. The lessons he learned about the evils of slavery and his hatred of the institution was deepened during his stay with Thomas Auld. He infuriated the Auld's by his refusal to call his owner "Master" instead of "Captain." Determined to crush the spirit of young Frederick, Thomas Auld hired him out to Ed...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Communication Issues in the Workplace

Running head: THE IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN THE The Importance of Effective Communication in the Workplace Christina Springer University of Phoenix The Importance of Effective Communication in the Workplace Introduction Anyone in a work environment having an understanding of what good effective Intercultural communication in the workplace entails will enhance every person’s ability to experience a successful and professional work experience. People can be exposed to misunderstandings in the workplace due to conflict of interests. These conflicts of interests can be rooted from a variety of cultural differences among distinctive ethnic backgrounds other than our own, and international individuals who are in our country solely for education or temporary work. Lack of proper understanding or skills of diversity in the workplace can cause many discrepancies among coworkers. People live in an increasingly complex world. One element of this complexity is the mixing of different cultures, languages and faiths. Within the business world intercultural communication is vital for success. Effective communication between colleagues from different cultural backgrounds ensures a team is working harmoniously. (The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication, Â ¶ 1) Situation There was a Caucasian tall skinny man with glasses who worked as a Deejay in West Virginia while attending West Virginia University. He was part German with somewhat of an accent. He had previous experience with all genres of music. His plan was to finish school and return to Germany to pursue his dream of being an internationally known Deejay. He was invited to a national hip hop celebration to perform as an artist and as a Deejay. The coordinator informed the African American Deejay’s that there would be a Caucasian Deejay coming to assist with them at the job. When he arrived to the celebration, there was a huge table of all African American Deejay’s setting up their equipment. He was told by the coordinator to set up as soon as he arrived there. So he walked up to the table of Deejay’s and they started laughing at him. They made fun of him and ridiculed him thinking it was a joke that he came to Deejay. They made fun of his appearance and did not take him serious. He went to the coordinator and told the coordinator the situation. The coordinator came over to the table of Deejay’s and explained that he was one of the Deejay’s to be performing and to clear a space for his equipment as they would not do before. Without hesitation they apologized and cleared a space for the German Deejay to set up his equipment. Diagnosis Conflict is a clash of values that is a common occurrence in the workplace. (Teo, 2006, December 13, Â ¶ 1) In this particular situation the Deejay’s at the national celebration being all African American may have misjudged the German Deejay for his appearance and accent. They may have underestimated his ability to Deejay effectively based off of his appearance of different culture and his accent. Because this was a hip hop celebration they seemed to have assumed that he was incapable of livening up the crowd. This common situation of conflict needs to be addressed more in any workplace. More often executives are expected to work internationally, hence business and social contacts between people of various nationalities increased. As these people come from disparate cultural backgrounds, geographical barriers gave way to communication barriers that lead to tensions and conflicts. Teo, Â ¶ 2) The important for leaders of any organization properly to train its employees of cultural differences and how to handle situations that may arise is increasingly important. The coordinator may have not properly informed the German Deejay of what he would be exposed to during this particular job. As a result it was somewhat of a culture shock for the German Deejay . This was a culture shock for the German Deejay especially not knowing what to think or expect. If the coordinator would have notified the African American Deejay’s of the complete extent of the German/Caucasian man’s nationality or description it would have made it easier for everyone involved at the job. The African American Deejay’s were use to working with other African American Deejay’s experienced in hip hop only. The German Deejay felt like an outcast when the African American Deejay’s made fun of him and nonverbally displayed he was unwelcomed by not clearing a space for his equipment due to their poor lack of judgment. Solutions Any person being of a different ethnicity in a completely different country can expect to experience a conflict of interest at any workplace unfortunately. A decision to be made upon the leaders of the organization to enhance its entire employee’s of the importance of diversity skills and how it can lead to success. If the coordinator would have informed the African American Deejay’s of the nationality, talent, skills, and capabilities of the German Deejay then perhaps the African American Deejay’s would have been more welcoming to the German Deejay. The German Deejay could have gone to the human resources department of the organization and he or she could offer help for this situation. Any coordinator of any national event should always inform its employees of any possibility of conflicts of interests or lack of understanding of misjudgments that may occur and how to handle a situation like that. In order to come to appreciate and understand people from different cultures, empathy is vital. Through putting yourself in someone else's shoes he or she will come to see or appreciate their point of view. The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication, Â ¶ 5) Everyone makes or has assumptions about others. Assumptions are beliefs rather than objective truth and are usually influenced by a number of subjective factors. (The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication, Â ¶ 3) Any employee of any workplace must take interest to understand the differences between cultural norms, beliefs, and values within each culture and that they are all d istinctive. People should always respect other cultures in order to create a civil and fair work environment. Conclusion Diversity skills are very important to have in any work environment. Without efficient knowledge or understanding of other cultures and the capabilities of behavior from one culture to the next, conflicts of interest may arise. If employees and leaders can work together to access and prevent any bad situation from happening it would be beneficial to the organization as well as the employee's. Regardless of the ethnic background of a person, monitoring our own behavior can always be a way of building opportunities and the ability to enhance strengths of comprehending the importance of eing equipped with proper knowledge on the expansion of diversity among worker's anywhere. References Teo, A. (2006, December 13). Intercultural Conflict in the Workplace: Every Organization’s Nightmare. Ezine Articles. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles. com/? Intercultural-Conflict-in-the-Workplace:-every-Organizations-Nightmare=385503 The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication. (). Kwintesse ntial. Retrieved from http://www. kwintessential. co. uk/cultural-services/articles/intercultural-communication. html

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ethics in Economics and Finance Essay

Ethics is defined as a standard of human behavior that offers how to act in many situations with friends, family members, employees, business people, professionals, etc. It is necessary to mention that to make really ethical decision means to use trained sensitivity to ethical issues. In other words, ethics is associated with acceptable human behavior in this or that everyday or scientific field. Ethics incorporates norms of conventional morality to distinguish ‘wrong’ behavior from ‘right’ behavior. Generally, ethical norms suggest honesty, truthfulness, fairness, integrity, justice and respect for others. Ethics is applied to all aspects of life as, for example, medicine, psychology, business, finance and economics. Financial and economic ethics is considered subset of general ethics. (Frowen, 1995, p. 46) Ethics and Ethical Norms Researches argue that ethical norms and values play important role in maintaining harmony and stability in social life as ethics suggests proper ways of human-human interactions. Ethics recognizes human needs and aspirations, as well as cooperative efforts, fairness and truthfulness. Ethics contributes social stability and ensures balance in all spheres of life and business. Social evolution has developed instinct care in humans to take care of ourselves and of others. Ethical norms are necessary for guiding human behavior and it is refereed to when it is necessary to resolve conflicts between selfishness and selfishness, between conscience and material needs. In finance and economics ethical violations are associated with inconsistency in modern financial-economic theory. Violations are also attributed to inconsistencies in use if principal-agent model of relations in economic and financial transactions. It is noted that the financial-economic theory is based on the rational-maximizer paradigm which promotes capitalist system stressing that individuals are egoistic and they tend to behave rationally when looking for ways of maximizing their own interest. The problem is that modern financial-economic theory contradicts ethical norms of loyalty, fidelity, trustworthiness and stewardship. Moral values are the core of traditional concept of agency, but if humans are claimed to be rational maximizers, then traditional sense is impossible. (Frowen, 19995, p. 47-49) For example, Duska argues that â€Å"to do something for another in a system geared to maximize self-interest is foolish. Such an answer, though, points out an inconsistency at the heart of the system, for a system that has rules requiring agents to look out for others while encouraging individuals to look out only for themselves, destroys the practice of looking out for others†. (Duska, 1992, p. 61) Ethics in Finance Ethics in finance plays important role as it aims at ensuring fair deals and transactions. Moreover, ethics in finance addresses corporate governance, and agency relationships which should be purely contractual. In financial sphere, ethical behaviour should be based on carrot-and-stick approach. In corporate governance the conflict between stockholder and management is described as agency problem. To deal with this problem an agency theory was developed. It stresses that the principal and agent are both self-interested aiming at generating their gain. (Dobson, 1993, p. 7) Researchers say that we tend to entail our needs as, for example, management of retirement savings or stock and bond investing, to financial services as we may fail to carry them effectively. We are not as organized as financial managers, but we are not aware of agency problem. Lack of necessary information limits our ability to monitor managers’ behaviour. Therefore, modern world is characterized by selfish behaviour as people are willing to get their things done by others. Such paradoxical situation explains ethical problems in financial sphere stressing that declining in morality is observed. (Dobson, 1993, p. 8) Ethical violations in finance are rather frequent nowadays and that mainly associated with stakeholder interest, insider trading, investment management and camping financing. Loyalty and trust in public and private dealings are often violated. The most common occurrences are fraudulent financial dealings, corruption in government and public institutions, influence peddling, cheating customers about their trading profits, insider trading, unauthorized transactions, misuse of customer funds in order to obtain personal gain, larceny and corruption in banks, improper pricing of customer trades, etc. Most frequently, unethical behaviour is associated with insider trading which is defined as trading in securities of particular company or organization with an effort to take advantage of information about material side of the company. In such a way, trade is provided with unfair advantage over other competitors in the same security. (Dobson, 1993, p. 59) Therefore, ethical codes are very important in financial filed as they set standards of acceptable behaviour, fair dealing and honest relations with customers. Ethical codes in finance tends to replace egoistic paradigm and to create such system which would promote, honesty, altruism and virtuous traits. It is rather common to fid ethical codes in modern financial markets and financial corporation. In financial markets such ethical codes are established by official regulatory agencies which are trying to ensure ethical and responsible behaviour as important part of all operations and transactions. Furthermore, re-examining of the core principle of capitalist society helps to address ethical problems in both financial and economic fields. Financial ethics suggests that individual should be presented as honest and altruistic promoting honesty and fairness in public and private dealings. The primary purpose of ethic in financial sphere is to set standards of internal good. (Dobson, 1993, p. 60-61) Ethics in Economics Ethics is related with economic sphere in three ways: economists should follow ethical values trying to shape the way they are doing economics; economic actors have ethical values which shape their own behavioural standards; finally, ethical values are important for economic policies and institutions as they affect people differentially. However, from economic perspective ethics is defined as a matter of choice for everyone. Many economists argue that ethical values contribute positively economic welfare. However, there are ideas that economics is ethically neutral. Economists are interested in implication of Adam Smith’s idea that all human are driven by self-interest and egoism. Smith argued that self-interest led to the common good of nation. (Wilber, 1996, p. 135) However, he agreed that human should act in terms of internationalized moral law and police power of the state. Therefore, it is recognized that in economic sphere all figures should act on the basis of acknowledged ethical norms as economy of every country needs efficient ethical behaviour to improve country’s reputation at the world scene. In economics ethics suggests avoiding corruption in government and promoting fair decision-making. It is a matter of fact that ethics is not an easy task for economic system and business as there will be always interest groups which will challenge ethical standards and values. Therefore, economics should pay more attention to ethics and social responsibility, as well as to set ethical codes of behavior. For example, businesses are defined as important institutions in any economic structure. Therefore, they are expected to follow ethical norms when deciding how to organize the work and to produce necessary goods and service. Businesses reflect the overall economic system and unethical behavior may create unfavorable reputation. (Wilber, 1996, p. 139) Conclusion Ethics plays crucial role in all aspects of life, especially in financial and economic sphere. In financial field ethics is associated with fair transactions and dealings, honest buyer-customer relations and avoidance of corruption. In economic field ethics is associated with social responsibility, ethical decision-making as the whole nation depends on them, and, of course, with no corruption on national level. Ethics is necessary not only for maintaining balance and harmony, but also for improving reputation of company, organization, and even country. (Frowen, 1995, p. 68)

Friday, November 8, 2019

igc3 Essays

igc3 Essays igc3 Essay igc3 Essay Sample Practical application (IGC3) NE-BOSH INTERNATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATE IGC3 THE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICAL APPLICATION Candidates observation sheet Sheet number 1 of 5 Student name: G Gardner Student number: Place inspected: Education Development Date of Inspection centre Observation Risk Control measures Timescale Hazards and Consequences Immediate and longer term actions 1. Risk of vehicles speeding and causing road traffic accidents due to poor signage on access roads to school and main buildings. Inform school workers and parents f speed limits on access roads. Fix temporary speed limit signs. Re-paint speed signs on road. 2. Risk of traffic accident due to narrow sharp bend on access road to rear car park. Immediately 1 month Monitor the wear and damage to painted signs during site inspection Email all school workers to increase awareness. Get the school managers to contact parents. Yearly 1 2 months 3. Risk of traffic accident due to undesignated car parking in several areas that prevent vision of road and cause driving over footpaths to reach these areas. Change observation mirror to large ne. Erect signs warning of sharp bends. Monitor effects of measures. Look into feasibility of installing traffic light system. Every 6 months 4. Risk of trip due to potholes in surface of footpath Inform school workers by email not to park in undesignated areas. Erect bollards where possible. Erect no parking signs. Site maintenance team to monitor and issue warning letter to offenders. Discuss with Human Resources manager. 2 months On going Barrier off around affected area. Erect warning sign. Repair / resurface footpath. -2 months Monitor the surface condition of all ootpaths on site during site Yearly inspection Key: Risk: H=High, M=Medium, L=Low. Actions: Immediate, M=Medium, L=Long term. N/a= Not applicable. Sheet number 2 of 5 5. Risk of electric shock from active communication mast due to missing padlock from gates and electrical hazard warning signs at the access gates. Monitor all access steps for damage during site inspection Review security in reception area. Install panic al arm. Attend training. Review work patterns causing lone working. Initiate test protocols for security Ensure fuse board is closed and locked. Accessed by competent workers only. 5 Years Maintenance team to monitor 5 yearly inspections and testing. Barrier off with warning sign. 2 3 months Replace tape. Same day 10. Risk to health by exposure to asbestos by report showing location of asbestos in stair nosing and floor tiles plus regular inspection. Concrete repairs to steps. 6 months 9. Risk of trip due to worn tape around access hatch in floor in main corridor Arrange on going inspection of mast security and that warning signs stay in good condition Apply hazard tape to worn parts of step. 3 month / Continual . Risk of Electrocution or fire controlled by main fuse board in small hall corridor being located in secure cupboard and having 5 yearly inspections and testing. Fit permanent electrical hazard signs. Monitor to ensure gates are padlocked, particularly after maintenance worker visits. 7. Risk to personal safety of receptionist due to lone working. Lock gates, fit temporary electrical hazard sign. damaged concrete step leading to reception and school pathway. Administration manager to monitor tape for wear. Ensure locations of asbestos are also recorded in asbestos risk egister. Inspection of area for damage. Keep asbestos report for reference and provide details in asbestos risk register to contractors. On-going Monthly 11. Risk of upper limb injury / eye strain due to unsuitable, non-adjustable chair for display screen equipment (DSE) user in general office. Carry out regular reassessments of display screen equipment workstations and workers. Tape down cables Provide portable rubber covers for cables. Consider relocating sockets to avoid need to trail cable. Relocate sockets where possible. Continue to monitor where cables re situated and monitor for damage. Ensure training is carried out with workers. Email workers to warn of the fire risk, look for temporary storage for document folders. 3 6 months Erect suitable shelving to store files on. Ensure workers undertake fire awareness training. 1 months 14. Risk of falling due to working on an insecure short ladder during lone working in store cupboard. Ensure workers are complying with your display screen equipment use policy. 3 weeks 13. Risk to fire due to many document folders stored under desks in education workers ffice, next to electrical sockets and cables. Ensure workstations are assessed for suitability for all new workers and carry out online risk awareness training. 12. Risk of trip due to trailing cables of many portable appliances in general office i. e. fans, electric heaters and paper shredders. Monitor on-going for correct storage and fire risks. Ensure workers have annual updates Email workers to warn them of the potential hazards. Carry out risk assessment for working on ladders. Use of ladders training to be carried out. Continue to monitor work practices with ladders.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Predicted National Merit Scholarship Cutoffs for 2018 and 2019 (Updated)

Predicted National Merit Scholarship Cutoffs for 2018 and 2019 (Updated) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What score do you need on the PSAT to qualify for National Merit distinction? The answer to this question depends on where you live. To achieve National Merit recognition, you need to match or exceed the cutoff score in your home state. We’ve compiledtheNational Merit Semifinalist state cutoffs based on the most recent data from the fall of 2017.Before checking out the qualifying scores, let’s discuss how the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) determines who is named Commended Student orSemifinalist. Howto Qualify for National Merit National Merit is open to U.S. citizens who test in the U.S. in the fall of 11th grade. Only your junior year PSAT counts toward National Merit distinction and scholarships, though taking the PSAT as a sophomore or freshman can be good practice, especially if you’re aiming for top scores. Students who achieve top scores may receive recognition from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. NMSC compares your PSAT scores with those of other students in your state using its own Selection Index, which falls on a scale between 48 and 228. The top 3-4% of scorers arenamed Commended Scholar. The top 1%, usually about 16,000 students, are named National Merit Semifinalists. Semifinalists may go on to apply for Finalist status and potentially win scholarship money. As I mentioned above, NMSC uses its own Selection Index along with state percentiles. Let’s take a look at how your scores convert to this index. Just how many differentscoring scales are actually onthe PSAT? Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Understanding Your Scores on the PSAT To understand your National Merit eligibility, you mainly need to pay attention to your PSAT section scores for Math, Reading, and Writing and Language. Each section isscored between 8 and 38. NMSCadds each section score together and then multiplies by 2. Let’s say you got a 30 on Math, a 31 on Reading, and a 32 on Writing and Language. Added together, the sum of these scores comes out to 93. Multiply by 2, and you get your National Merit Selection Index Score: 186. Asan equation, this would look like: (30 + 31 + 32) x2 = 186. Based on our estimates for the qualifying PSAT scores, a score of 186 wouldn’t make it into the top 1%. Check out the cutoff scoresbelow. Does your PSAT score report look like a jumble of numbers? For National Merit, you just need to understand one: your Selection Index. Predicted National Merit ScholarshipCutoffs The cutoffs in the chart below apply to students who took the PSAT in October 2017.While the National Merit Scholarship Corporation hasn't released the exact state-by-state cutoffs it used, we have been able to crowdsource this information from individuals around the country. If you see any state cutoffs that look off, let us know in the comments! Here's the full list of Selection Index scores that qualified for National Merit Semifinalist. State Selection Index Alabama 216 Alaska 215 Arizona 220 Arkansas 214 California 223 Colorado 221 Connecticut 222 Delaware 222 DC 223 Florida 219 Georgia 220 Hawaii 220 Idaho 214 Illinois 221 Indiana 219 Iowa 216 Kansas 218 Kentucky 218 Louisiana 217 Maine 217 Maryland 223 Massachusetts 223 Michigan 219 Minnesota 220 Mississippi 215 Missouri 217 Montana 214 Nebraska 216 Nevada 218 New Hampshire 219 New Jersey 223 New Mexico 215 New York 221 North Carolina 220 North Dakota 212 Ohio 219 Oklahoma 215 Oregon 221 Pennsylvania 220 Rhode Island 220 South Carolina 216 South Dakota 215 Tennessee 219 Texas 221 Utah 215 Vermont 216 Virginia 222 Washington 222 West Virginia 212 Wisconsin 216 Wyoming 212 Average Score 218 If you tested in California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, or Washington, DC, then the bar was especially high. You had to score at or above a 223. North Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming had the lowest cutoffs at 212. The average cutoff for all states was 218. If you haven't taken the PSAT yet and are aiming for National Merit, you should aim to get a Selection Index score 2-5 points higher than the cutoff score for your state. The reason you should aim a little higher is that qualifying scores can fluctuate a little from year to year. Aiming for a National Merit Scholarship but worried your score won't qualify? If you're not sure you can self-study your way to a qualifying PSAT score, you'll love our PSAT prep program, PrepScholar. We designed our program to learn your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics and customize your prep to be as effective as possible for you. When you start with PrepScholar, you’ll take a diagnostic that will determine your weaknesses in over forty PSAT skills. PrepScholar then creates a study program specifically customized for you. To improve each skill, you’ll take focused lessons dedicated to each skill, with over 20 practice questions per skill. This will train you for your specific area weaknesses, so your time is always spent most effectively to raise your score. We also force you to focus on understanding your mistakes and learning from them. If you make the same mistake over and over again, we'll call you out on it. There’s no other prep system out there that does it this way, which is why we get better score results than any other program on the market. Check it out today with a 5-day free trial: Based on these cutoffs, how can you figure out what section scores you need on the PSATto qualify for National Merit? Let's talk goals. What Should You Score on Each PSAT Section? As discussed above, NMSC's Selection Index adds your three section scores together and doubles them. In order to figure out what you need for each section, simply work backward. Divide your state's qualifying score by 2, and then split that up by 3 (or however you want based on your target scores for each section). Let's consider the average qualifying score of 218. If you have a selection score of 218, then your section scores add up to 109. To get this sum, you couldscore around 36-37 on each section (Math, Reading, and Writing and Language). If you're much stronger in maththan in writing, then you could aim for a perfect 38 on Math and a little lower on Writing and Language. Overall, you need to get a sectionscore in the 30s for each section on the PSAT to compete for National Merit. Again, aim for a few points higher than the minimum, as cutoffs can vary somewhat from year to year. If your goal is to be named National Merit Semifinalist, then you'll want to put in some effort towardprepping for the PSAT.Below you'll find links to useful resources, such as official PSAT practice tests and sample questions. You'll need to crackthe books to geta purrfect score. How to Prep for the PSAT The best way to prepare for the PSAT is to familiarize yourself with official practice questions and self-timed PSAT practice tests. Score your attempts, figure out your strengths and weaknesses, and design a study plan that targets your weak areas. Depending on where you’re starting out, you might want to put in 40 hours of prep or more. You should familiarize yourself with the test content to review key concepts and get used to the tricky wording of the PSAT/NMSQT. At the same time, you can try out different strategies for answering questions efficiently, like recognizing answer types and using the process of elimination. One essentialpart of studying is reviewing and analyzing your mistakes. Rather than taking a practice test and moving right on to the next, you should take the time to deconstruct your errors piece by piece. Did you misunderstand the question, lack content knowledge, or make a careless mistake? By understanding the root of your mistake, you can figure out what you need to fix for next time. All of your prep might not only pay off with National Merit distinction and scholarships, but it should also help you achieve excellent scores on the SAT! What’s Next? If you achieve amazing PSAT scores and are named Semifinalist, how do you go on to win the scholarship? This guide talks about the application process for moving from National Merit Semifinalist to National Merit Finalist and scholarship winner. If you're scoring highly on the PSAT, then you might be in a good position to get a perfect score on the SAT. FYI, you don't have to be a genius to get a 1600 - full scores are all about how much and how well you prep! Check out this guide to getting a perfect score on the SAT, written by a perfectscorer. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Dietary and Activity Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dietary and Activity Analysis - Assignment Example The assignment "Dietary and Activity Analysis" presents the analysis of the author's dietary and activity, his energy intake and output, carbohydrate, alcohol, fat, protein, vitamin/mineral intakes and overall dietary intake based on 3-day average data. The paper contains the analysis of the estimated 3-day average daily expenditure in comparison with the 3-day energy intake. The author talks about the gaining or losing weight recently and if it is consistent with the differences between his energy intake and estimated energy output and his 3-day average daily energy intake. The energy consumed is analyzed during the weekend or weekdays and if it expends more energy on the weekends or weekdays. It is estimated that one should have at least 125 grams of carbohydrates a day and ideally, much more. Therefore the average intake compares with this minimum. The person requires more than 125 grams of carbohydrates per day for the energy supply to the body. The negative consequences of consuming less than this amount on a regular basis because less carbohydrate leads to more weight loss. Also, the percentage of the total calories contributed by carbohydrate based on the 3-day average intake is calculated. It is analyzed if the author's intake in line with the recommendations that 45-65% of the calories in his diet should come from carbohydrate. The grams of fiber consumed based on the 3-day average are also calculated and compared with the recommendation to consume 21-38 grams of dietary fiber/day.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Q1) list and elaborate on the factors that will be affecting the Essay - 1

Q1) list and elaborate on the factors that will be affecting the demand for the following products in the next several years. do you think these factors will ca - Essay Example Additionally, a fax arrives immediately and, more importantly, delivery is instantly confirmed. According to Davidson Consulting, more than 70 million fax machines are in operation today with the demand for fax capability growing rapidly--at a compounded annual growth rate of almost 19% worldwide. While the demand for traditional SLR cameras and films is slated to go down because of the rise in digital photography, the demand for high-end and sophisticated digital cameras is going to increase in the next few years. Since internet and paperless photography is on the rise, the demand for films might come down in the following years. A decade ago, when video and set top boxes were not heard of, video cassettes and CDs were very much in demand. Today, however with the rising popularity of tools and applications like YouTube and video-on-demand, video rented from retail outlets might see a negative growth in the coming years. With the convergence of global businesses, people across the globe are hungry for news and facts affecting global business. The demand for specialized TV programs is increasing. Not everyone is interested in every sitcom. Tastes are getting more and more specialized and people more ready to shell our more for something they feel is important to them. Thus, the demand for "pay-per-view" television programmes will be going up in the coming years. Section B Q2) list and elaborate on the factors that will be affecting the supply for the following products in the next several years. do you think these factors will cause the supply to increase or decrease (draw the diagrams to show the impact) g. Crude oilFactors affecting supply of crude oil: 1. Global reserves of fossil fuels: As the reserves of crude oil get depleted with indiscriminate drilling and use of crude oil as a source of fuel, the supply of crude oil is going to come down. 2. International relations and trade With the global superpowers trying to assert their power over the oil-rich nations of the world, things might come to a stand still and the supply of crude oil from the oil-rich countries might go down. 3. Increase in use of alternate sources of fuel: As alternate sources of energy, solar , tidal, wind, hydel, organic and chemical forms of energy gain popularity, the supply of crude oil might increase in the near future. h. Computer memory chips With the world going digital and every small thing in the world getting more and more dependent on computers, definitely, the demand for computer memory chips is going to increase. These chips will replace books and note-books in schools, paper in business and industrial transactions, games and entertainment and every other field of human interaction. i. Hotel rooms As the world goes global and distances cease to exist, the demand for travel and hotel rooms is going to incr